Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to my world!

I hereby officially induct myself into the mysterious world of blogging. I suppose I am what you might call a late bloomer in the blogosphere, but I must say that I have been completely loyal to my trusty journal for the past twelve odd years, and despite the popularity of blogging, I have never been too keen on the idea of exposing my thoughts and emotions to the entire world via the internet. I have always preferred the scratching of pen on paper to the clicking of my keyboard, but as a budding journalist I have made the decision to stumble and babble my way onto the computer screen and see what comes of it. So here is my feable and most likely uninteresting introduction...

To begin, I want to clarify that I have not a clue what I am doing. I know nothing about HTML coding or creating beautiful templates and stimulating graphics for my blog. I simply know that I love to write about everything. My thoughts, desires, experiences, interests and observances. I don't really have a theme, I'm just sort of going with it for now, so please bear with me! :)
My Papaw has called me doodlebug for as long as I can possible remember, so I decided that it would be an appropriate temporary title for my blog, until I figure some of this stuff out. Anyway, it's just a nickname that stuck, and it is actually very precious to me.

Others know me as DeeAnna, most people just call me Dee. You can call me whatever you want, I won't be offended. I'm one of those people who truly attempts to see the good in everything, no matter how awful it seems. I love to smile and simply take things as they come, because that is all you can really do in life. Some people have observed that my mood never really changes that much. Even when I am in the most stressful of situations, I am usually very calm.

I think about things before I say them. I am terrible at anything to do with math or science but I consider myself an efficient speller and decent with grammar. I mostly enjoy working under pressure. Cereal takes up the majority of my food pyramid, closely followed by anything chocolate or chocolate covered. I have a good sense of humor and love laughing at every opportunity I can. I enjoy the company of anyone willing to snuggle, this includes furry animal friends and boyfriends. I desire to travel the world and make my family proud.

I especially enjoy collecting friendships with all types of interesting people as I travel through life. If you have your own desires, talents and goals I would probably love to get to know you. I appreciate diversity and am intolerant of ignorant people who do not. Even though I live in a hole in the wall in hick town USA, it does not mean that I have to share the same beliefs as others who live here.

I am a senior journalism major/English minor at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC and feel as if my life is just beginning. I see myself and my world changing in every single moment while I simply wait to see what is around the next corner. And I actually feel that you already know way too much about me! haha.

And I also feel like this is a very long first entry. My apologies if you are bored to tears already. Maybe I can muster up some brilliant topic for my next post. Until then, stay classy san diego! (did I mention I love Anchorman??)

"I Always Have a Wonderful Time, Wherever I am Whomever I'm With"--Elwood
Dowd "Harvey"